Mar 29, 2024, 01:17 PM IST

Chinese drinks for better health

Deepika Shakya

Here are some Chinese drinks for better health

A popular drink in China that's good for your health. It has lots of antioxidants that help your body fight off sickness and keep your heart healthy.

Green Tea

Made from pretty flowers, this tea helps cool your body down when it's hot outside.

Chrysanthemum Tea

This tea is made from ginger, which is a root that can warm you up and soothe your stomach.

Ginger Tea

This tea is made from dried red dates. It gives you energy and can make you stronger.

Jujube Tea

Made from little red berries, this tea is packed with vitamins and makes your body stronger. It can help your eyes and your immune system

Goji Berry Tea

Made from a fruit called hawthorn, this tea is good for your heart. It helps keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check.

Hawthorn Tea

This tea is in between green and black tea. It's good for your digestion and can help you lose weight.

Oolong Tea

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