Mar 29, 2024, 02:40 PM IST

Window-friendly beautiful plants

Deepika Shakya

Here's a list of window-friendly beautiful plants that thrive indoors

Spider plants are known for their air-purifying qualities and easy care.

Spider Plant

Snake plants are low-maintenance and can tolerate low light, although they thrive near windows with indirect sunlight.

Snake Plant

Peace lilies are excellent for adding a touch of greenery to window spaces.

Peace Lily 

Z plants are known for their glossy, dark green foliage and tolerance to low light conditions.

ZZ Plant

Pothos,  is a versatile trailing plant that thrives in a variety of light conditions, including bright indirect light near windows.


Aloe vera plants thrive in bright, indirect light near windowsills.

Aloe Vera 

Jade plants are thick, fleshy leaves and are known for their resilience and longevity.

Jade Plant

Many culinary herbs thrive on window sills with ample sunlight. Basil, mint, rosemary, and parsley are just a few examples. 
